Rota for remainder of 2nd Quarter

In accordance with the instructions of both the Bishop of Connecticut and the Governor of Connecticut, Trinity will be worshiping online until at least through the end of the second quarter and most likely well beyond that.

Here is the rota to cover the remainder of the 2nd quarter  — and many thanks to the parishioners who are making this transition into the age of  virtual worship!  A third quarter rota will be issued a week or so before the quarter begins.

Click below to download a copy of the rota:


Thanks to all who serve!


Short-term rota

In accordance with the instructions of both the Bishop of Connecticut and the Governor of Connecticut, Trinity will be worshiping online until at least May 20, 2020.  However, that doesn’t mean that we cannot have parishioners participate actively in the services!  Thus, a number of parishioners will be doing the readings for our online services using Zoom.

Attached is the rota showing who will read when.  We will issue a new rota when the Coronavirus situation becomes clearer and as we receive further directions.

To download the new rota, please click below:


Remember to follow our Sunday services on our Facebook page,

As well, our Music Director is offering daily improvisations/contemplations on the organ at 7 PM, also on our Facebook page.



Rota for 3rd Quarter 2019

Here’s the Rota for the 3rd Quarter 2019 — the Summer Rota — at Trinity Lime Rock. The Rota, of course, is the schedule of who is on duty when to do what at Trinity: serve at the altar, usher, read, help with the young people, arrange the flowers or the altar, even count the collection.

To get your copy, simply click below:

In a week or so, you can also pick up a printed copy at Trinity, or view the rota posted on the bulletin board.

To all our volunteers: THANK YOU!

Rota for 3rd Quarter 2019

Photos from January 20

In view of the weather, it’s a little bit of a surprise that we actually have photos from January 20 to offer here. However, Trinity Lime Rock has a pretty stalwart congregation!

The weather was absolutely miserable, and the roads were somewhere between poor and terrible due to the snow and ice. As a result, the 10:30 AM service opened with a congregation that was, uummm, sparse. However, latecomers drifted in and things got a lot better as the day went on.

And we held our Annual Meeting and pot luck lunch as scheduled.


Annual Report for 2018

We are very happy to bring you Trinity Lime Rock’s Annual Report for 2018!

For several years now, we have been publishing this document online in advance of the Annual Meeting. This serves more than one purpose. First, it saves a whole bunch of trees! We are not idle at Trinity, and trying to summarize everything we have done for a year in a single document makes for a thick document. (Along with the trees, think of how much it saves on copier expense!). Secondly, and most importantly, it lets everyone in the parish prepare for the annual meeting ahead of time. You can read the report from cover to cover at your leisure and not have to speed read during the early parts of the annual meeting. You can bring it with you to the meeting on your phone or tablet and refer to it as you wish.

The financials will be distributed (on paper) at the Annual Meeting, so they are not included in this report.

To download the Annual Report for 2018 now, simply click the download button.

Thanks to Alexis Dorf, who pulls the whole thing together!!

Annual Report for 2018
Here’s a photo of last year’s annual meeting

NOTE: a limited number of paper copies will be available at the meeting. Please save these for people who who not have a portable personal electronic device.


Annual Report for 2016

Here’s Trinity’s Annual Report for 2016!

Annual Report for 2016

Please download your copy by clicking the highlighted file name above.   You may want to print it out at home and read it that way, or you may want to put it on your portable electronic device and bring it with you to the Annual Meeting to refer to.  We do ask that you take advantage of this electronic version, as printing costs are high and only a few copies (for those who do not have internet access) will be available at the meeting.

As has been our practice in past years, the financial reports will be available in hard copy at the meeting itself.

Regardless, please do join us on Sunday after the 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist for a pot luck lunch and the Annual Meeting!


2015 Annual Report

The Trinity Lime Rock  Annual Report for 2015 is now ready for download.  Please click the link below to download it.


Annual Report 2016


You may want to save your annual report to your portable electronic device to refer to during the meeting itself.  Note that wifi service is now available throughout the building, and for those who use ATT wireless service, a wireless signal is also available on the premises.

For those lacking internet access, we will have a limited number of copies of the report   available at the annual meeting.   The financial reports will be distributed at the meeting.

Remember, the annual meeting is Sunday, January 24, 2016, at noon in Walker Hall.  A potluck lunch will precede the meeting.
