Photos from April 28

Here are some photos from April 28 at Trinity Lime Rock!

The Sunday following Easter Sunday is usually thought of as “Low Sunday” — a little of the exhilaration and mystery of the Resurrection has begun to be accepted, and the folks we see mainly at Christmas and Easter have returned to their usual Sunday pastimes.

We had a pretty good turnout this Low Sunday, all things considered, and we got accomplished something we had been postponing for a long time: a thorough cleaning of the Sunday School room. During the service, we heard a new Sanctus and Fraction Anthem, composed for us by our music director, Christine Gevert.


Photos from March 10

Here are some photos from March 10 for your pleasure!

The week included Ash Wednesday (sorry, no photos from those services — but the note that the attendance at the 6 PM bilingual service was the highest in memory for an Ash Wednesday service at Trinity). Also, we held a Men’s (and Women’s) Group Dinner at a new restaurant in Great Barrington — Fiddleheads — that was popular with attendees.

Sunday was accompanied by one of those nasty snow mixed with freezing rain events that caused some area churches to cancel services, but not Trinity Lime Rock.

Part of our Lenten observance this year includes “Lent Madness” — a chance to learn a lot about a whole lot of saints, both well-known and unknown.

So, here are the photos for March 10 at Trinity Lime Rock!
