This Sunday, March 20, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock:
8 AM: Holy Eucharist (a small service in the church; there’s no music at this service) Masks are optional at this service.
9 AM: Sunday School for Young People (in the Guild Room, with Pastor Heidi.) Sunday School will be via Zoom today. Please contact Pastor Heidi beforehand for the Zoom link.
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist (in the church; distancing and masking are required at this service) This service is livestreamed.
–View the livestream HERE
–You can see the Bulletin if you CLICK HERE
–Here are the numbers (in order) of the hymns if you’d like to sing them at home: WLP 722, 392, WLP 790, 344 (“WLP stands for “Wonder, Love and Praise” the supplemental hymnal)
–Pastor Heidi’s sermon can be read HERE
–Video of this service can be seen in our YouTube channel — please click HERE
11:30 AM: Zoom coffee hour (In-person coffee hours will resume in April)
–Find the Zoom links here: Zoom links