Adult Education

Christian Education for Adults

We normally have a number of adult education programs.  We also participate in — and occasionally lead — adult education programs undertaken by neighboring parishes.

What’s  going on right now?

Adult Education via Zoom on Thursdays:

Previously, this class was in person, and held between the 8 AM and 10:30 AM services on Sunday mornings. When COVID arrived, the class moved to Zoom, and to Thursdays around midday. Surprisingly, attendance increased! Also, it made the class available to our remote parishioners and friends of the parish who might not be available on Sunday mornings, so it was a win/win. One recent Thursday, we had participants from three states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, and North Carolina) and also from Nicaragua! The format of this class is reading together a book of the Bible selected by the class, with discussion led by Pastor Heidi. The link for Zoom also appears in the Trinity Update and on the Where is it? page of this website.</>

Trinity Bible Study
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 5485 7602
Passcode: 745274


Book Forum

When a parishioner or friend of the parish publishes a book — we’ve had a few of these recently — we schedule a Book Forum. The format is usually that the author speaks for fifteen minutes or a half hour and then discussion ensues. After the one hour mark is reached, we call a halt to the formal discussion and hold a book signing for those who have bought a copy. Usually we have a dozen or more in attendance, and, when possible, we offer the program either via Zoom or by posting video of the session on YouTube. The best attended of these goes back more than a decade to when Tom Brokaw spoke of his “The Greatest Generation” — that one generated an overflow crowd. Recent book forums at Trinity have been conducted by authors Thomas Schindler, “A Hidden Legacy: The Life and Work of Esther Zimmer Lederberg“; Geoffrey Brown, “Trinity Lime Rock in Context: a History” and Leo Gafney, “I Am With You Always: Stories of Jesus to Inspire Deeper Prayer“<?p>

We hold other adult programs when we are able to match a speaker, and topic, and an interest level in the parish sufficient to justify it. The most memorable series of this type was an introduction to Islam, conducted by the late Robertson Alford following the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center.