Many different ministries and activities at Trinity come together to provide support for worship here.
Obviously there’s our Rector, the Rev. Heidi Truax
Much of our music effort is in support of worship. You can learn about our music program on the music page.
Our young people are clearly key contributors here. They have a page of their own, so why not visit our young people’s page.
But there are other ministries that really exist almost entirely for the purpose of worship support. Among them are the Altar Guild, the Flower Committee, the Vergers, the Ushers, the Ministers of Communion, the Readers and Intercessors — are we forgetting anyone?

Trinity’s altar
While not directly worship support people, there are other volunteers in the parish who add greatly to our lives at Trinity. Each Sunday, for example, we have a coffee hour after the 10:30 AM service. To provide for these, we have six teams of volunteers who rotate responsibility for preparing, for serving, and for cleaning up. Newcomers to the parish often find that joining a hospitality team is a great way to get to know other parishioners and join the fabric of the parish.
Even less visible is another group that likewise serves each Sunday on a rotating basis: the counters — the people, appointed by the Treasurer, who count the collection, ensuring that donations are properly credited. Here are two of them at work:

Each Sunday, counters process the collection
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