Outreach to our communities at Trinity includes many efforts touching many lives. Each year we have an outreach brunch where organizations and projects that would like to work with us come and speak to the parish about their organization and current needs.
Here are the four speakers who told us about their organizations at the 2016 Outreach Brunch:

Speakers at Trinity’s 2016 Outreach Brunch
The organizations they represented, left to right, include the Housatonic Valley Association, Camp Washington, the Salisbury Visiting Nurse Association, and Construct, Inc.
Our current outreach projects include:
—The Backpack Project, benefiting the young people of North Canaan Elementary School. This project is traditionally the province of the young people of Trinity, and has been joined in recent years by residents of the Pine Grove. Here is a set of short videos our young people made in 2013 supporting the backpack project — worth a look!
—Community Thanksgiving Dinner, a collaborative project of Trinity, St. Joseph’s Church, and North Canaan Congregational Church, feeds around 200 Thanksgiving dinners each year to those who would not have them in a group setting otherwise.
–Refugee family support, collaborating with and supporting a project of the Church of St. Mary in Lakeville to settle a refugee family from Syria here in the Northwest Corner
—Corner Food Pantry (formerly OWLS Kitchen) Weekly food collection
—Women’s Support Services — ongoing clothing donations.
—Construct, Inc. (Great Barrington) — housing and rehabilitation for the homeless
—Volunteers In Medicine (Great Barrington)
—The Equus Effect — equine therapy for disabled veterans
—Camp Washington — the summer camp of the Diocese of CT — visit their website here: http://www.campwashington.org/
—Feed a Family of Four for a Day — Thanksgiving food outreach. You can download the recommended food offering list HERE. Of course, if you want to contribute more or less, all contributions are welcome.
—Christmas gifts for children and adults in North Canaan
—Salisbury Visiting Nurses Association — visit their website here: http://www.salisburyvna.org/
—Church World Services CROP Walk for hunger — view a video highlighting our 2014 participation
—Scholarships for students in Honduras
–Driving for residents of Trinity Glen (recovery ministries)
—Housatonic Valley Association (environmental) — visit their website here: http://www.hvatoday.org/
—On-site worship services at Noble Horizons, Geer Village, and Sharon Health Care Center (elderly and infirm)
–“Exploring Spiritual Paths” book group at Noble Horizons
—The Jane Lloyd Fund — support for cancer victims and their families — visit their website here: http://www.thejanelloydfund.org/
–Worship leaders for the seasonal community at Pine Grove
–Our Rector is Chaplain for Lime Rock Park (automobile racing) — visit their website here: http://www.limerock.com/
—Habitat for Humanity — visit their website here: http://www.habitatnwct.org/
—North East Community Center (Millerton) — visit their website here: http://www.neccmillerton.org/
(list incomplete)
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