A page for Voting Members of Trinity lime Rock
Our Annual Meeting is this Sunday, February 2, 2025. The meeting will be held in Walker Hall.
The meeting will be hybrid. You are invited to attend in-person (and enjoy the pot luck lunch preceding it) or via Zoom.
Here are some important points to know:
1. You’ll need to download the Annual Report for 2024 BEFORE THE MEETING. Please CLICK HERE to download it to your electronic device.
If you would like to view prior year annual reports, please CLICK HERE to go to the page where historical Trinity annual reports that are available online are kept.
Troubles downloading? E-mail the webmaster and he will send you a copy via e-mail. (There will be a few printed copies available at the meeting.)
As usual, we will have copies of the financial report details available at the meeting.
2. Planning on attending in person? Coffee hour will transform itself into a potluck lunch this Sunday. Please bring something to share if you are able, but by all means plan on enjoying lunch before we meet. (And please plan on helping to clean up afterwards — many hands make light work!)
3. Attending via Zoom? You will be glad to know that the same link that takes you to our Sunday online coffee hours will also bring you the annual meeting. You can join us on Zoom as early as 11:30 AM, but please be patient if we are a few minutes late getting the link up and running. Here’s the link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684
4. Be aware that we will vote to receive the reports of most committee chairs as they appear in the Annual Report in bulk without individual presentations by committee chairs. This permits the meeting to conclude in a timely manner.
5. For those attending in person, we’ll have a monitor available so you’ll be able to see and hear the online attendees. We’ll have the Owl set up to facilitate the meeting. Although this device makes hybrid meetings run better, If the chair recognizes you to speak, you’ll likely need to move to where the camera and microphone can pick you up clearly before you speak.
6. For those attending via Zoom, we ask you to mute yourselves — that helps keep unintended background noise under control. If you have something to say, please either raise your Zoom hand (or wave your real hand frantically) to get our attention — or use the Zoom chat functionality to post your comment or question in the online chat.
7. VOTING on any questions where a less than unanimous vote might be anticipated will be done by show of hands, both in person and via Zoom. Please leave your hands up to ensure we have time to count your vote.
Regardless of whether you are attending in person or via Zoom, please be considerate. Some on Zoom and some attending in person may be attending their first hybrid meeting, and your thoughtfulness will be appreciated.
Thank you for attending Annual Meeting at Trinity Lime Rock!