Music has always played an important role in life at Trinity Lime Rock. The first major furnishing of the new church was a pipe organ, paid for by funds raised by the parishioners via such traditional means as chicken dinners. In past years, Trinity actually had its own boychoir, and more recently, gave birth to and nurtured Crescendo. We’re proud to be Crescendo’s home base.
What about music at Trinity today?
We have a year-round choir, unlike most churches in our area. It’s augmented frequently with guests, including performers from Crescendo. As well as the 10:30 AM service each Sunday, and special services for major feasts, the choir offers occasional evensongs, and provides a vocal concert before the main Christmas Eve service. On occasion our young people sing as well.

Christine Gevert
Christine Gevert, our music director (and the founding Artistic Director of Crescendo) comes to us from an international performing (harpsichord and organ) and conducting career, and here at Trinity also composes service music for our own choir. As a scholar of early music, she frequently surprises us with forgotten works she has uncovered. Christine is still active on the concert stage playing harpsichord and organ, and as a member of Les Inegales, performing in the United States and internationally. Of course, she’s also the founding Artistic Director of Crescendo, the celebrated musical organization founded here at Trinity nearly two decades ago and still resident here.
Our organ, a three manual Rogers digital organ, is now twenty years old, and still going strong! When we acquired it, we expected that it would last for 20 years if we were fortunate, and we have been fortunate indeed. The digital organ served, its earliest days, as a proof of concept for Trinity Wall Street who were contemplating going digital following loss of their organs in 9/11 — and who, pleased with what they heard at Trinity, did so!
If you like to sing, and if you are willing to work hard, our Choir is always looking for new members. Sound like you? Speak with Christine Gevert!
At Trinity Lime Rock we are proud of having the finest church music of any house of worship in our area.
Music is everywhere at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Trinity is proud to be the home of Crescendo!
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