Sunday, May 21 at Trinity Lime Rock

This Sunday, May 21, 2023, at Trinity Lime Rock, is the Seventh Sunday of Easter

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School with Pastor Heidi.  

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir. We are marking Diaconate Sunday (normally June 4).  The Reverend Felix Rivera will preach, and the Rector will Celebrate.   

The bulletin for this service is HERE

This service will be livestreamed.

11:30 AM:  Coffee hour in Walker hall and on Zoom at:
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684

Noon: Vestry meeting in person and via Zoom.

4 PM: Misa en Espanol


