Rota for 4th Quarter 2019

Here’s the Rota for the 4rd Quarter 2019 — the Autumn and Christmas Rota — at Trinity Lime Rock. The Rota, of course, is the schedule of who is on duty when to do what at Trinity: serve at the altar, usher, read, help with the young people, arrange the flowers or the altar, even count the collection.

To download a copy, please click below.

Thank you for all that you do at Trinity!

4th Quarter Rota at Trinity Lime Rock
Rota for 4th Quarter 2019

July 21 Photos at Trinity Lime Rock

We’re calling these July 21 photos at Trinity Lime Rock although two of them were not taken at Trinity at all and were taken earlier that week!

Pastor Heidi was just back from a week as Chaplain to the wilderness camping group at the Diocesan Camp Washington, so we’re providing a bit of flavor of what that experience was like.

Sunday was also the Youth Sunday for July as well as being the hottest Sunday so far this summer. Hence the casual attire on most participants shown.

One moment that touched all of us. A lady who was not a parishioner, but who brought her much loved dog to us to be blessed when we had our annual Blessing of the Animals, sadly lost him this week. She brought us the blue and white pitcher of flowers from her garden to remember him — and we do!


Photos from January 20

In view of the weather, it’s a little bit of a surprise that we actually have photos from January 20 to offer here. However, Trinity Lime Rock has a pretty stalwart congregation!

The weather was absolutely miserable, and the roads were somewhere between poor and terrible due to the snow and ice. As a result, the 10:30 AM service opened with a congregation that was, uummm, sparse. However, latecomers drifted in and things got a lot better as the day went on.

And we held our Annual Meeting and pot luck lunch as scheduled.
