(This page is pretty much intended for current Episcopalians (or those who “talk the talk” church-wise — we’ve been know to call this page “expert mode”)
If you’re a practicing Episcopalian, you may want to find out what our worship is like in terms that you’re already familiar with.
So, for you, here’s a summary of how we worship at Trinity:
- High church vs. low church? We lean somewhat toward the high church side — at least for this geographic area, where we’re the highest church around. At our main Holy Eucharist, we have our choir (year-round) and organist, the celebrant frequently chants with sung choral responses, we sometimes ring bells, you can light a votive candle if you wish, but (due to a severe allergy of one of our faithful long-time choristers) we use incense only on rare occasions. Probably we are really in the “Broad Church” category, incorporating elements from both high church and low church worship.
- * Which Prayer Book and which Rite do you use? We use the current (1977) Book of Common Prayer and the 1982 Hymnal (occasionally adding hymns and service music from Wonder, Love and Praise, as well as service music written for us by our Organist/Choir Director. We normally use Rite I at the 8 AM service, and Rite II at the 10:30 AM service, but in Advent and Lent and occasionally on request we use the more solemn Rite I at the 10:30 AM service. We generally do not have Morning Prayer in our main worship services except when we do not have an ordained celebrant present.
- * What do you call your priest? Our Rector, the Rev. Heidi Truax, prefers to be addressed as “Pastor Heidi”.
- Organizationally, where in the Anglican Communion does your allegiance lie? Trinity Lime Rock is a loyal parish of the Diocese of Connecticut, a diocese of The Episcopal Church.
- May I use my smartphone or tablet to follow the service? Certainly! There is a strong cell signal for ATT customers (courtesy of our neighbors at Lime Rock Park), and we have recently expanded our wifi coverage to include the nave and chancel.
Other questions people ask:
–What to wear? We’ve got a whole page about that! Please click here!
–Is there parking available? Yes, abundant parking in our two parking lots and in Trinity Field (enter via Dugway Road). More info on our “getting here” page.
–What about my kids? We’re definitely kid-friendly, even for visitors, and there’s a whole lot of info for you here on our Young People pages.
–Download the bulletin for Sunday’s services (usually available Saturday afternoons for the next day’s services) — you’ll see it listed as a “post” in the right hand column of these pages when it is available. You’ll also see any recent sermons that are available listed as posts there.
Can you think of other information we should provide on this page? Please let our webmaster know!