This Sunday, December 4, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock, is the Second Sunday of the Season of Advent.
8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)
9 AM: Sunday School for young people with Pastor Heidi
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir
The bulletin for this service is HERE.
Pastor Heidi (the Rev. Heidi Truax) will be Preacher and Celebrant.
This service will be livestreamed.
Following the 10:30 AM service we will have coffee hour in person in Walker Hall, and a short coffee hour online via Zoom as well. The Zoom session begins at approximately 11:30 AM.
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684
This Sunday, November 27, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock, is the First Sunday of the Season of Advent.
8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)
9 AM: Sunday School for young people with Pastor Heidi
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir
The bulletin for this service is HERE.
Pastor Heidi (the Rev. Heidi Truax) will be Preacher and Celebrant.
This service will be livestreamed.
Following the 10:30 AM service we will have coffee hour in person in Walker Hall, and a short coffee hour online via Zoom as well. The Zoom session begins at approximately 11:30 AM.
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684
4 PM: Misa with guest preacher, the Rev. Felix Rivera, Deacon.
Here’s information you’ll find helpful for worship on Sunday December 20, 2020 at Trinity Lime Rock! This is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.
Our 9 AM Holy Eucharist
Due to the level of COVID-19 infections in our area, we are not currently holding in-person services at Trinity Lime Rock.
Our 10:30 Holy Eucharist
We are making the 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist available here on our website as well as on our YouTube channel. At around 10:20 AM (and afterwards, of course) join us for worship right here:
The Sunday Bulletin is available for viewing online. Simply CLICK HERE
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
If you would like to read Pastor Heidi’s sermon, please CLICK HERE
The links will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed. While you are there, please ‘SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel — that way you will be automatically reminded of online services and won’t have to wait for your weekly e-mail alert.
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Here’s information you’ll find helpful for worship on Sunday December 13, 2020 at Trinity Lime Rock! This is the Third Sunday of Advent. We are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.
At Trinity we are proud of our Lay Preachers! Today, one of them, Danielle Gaherty, will deliver the homily.
Our 9 AM Holy Eucharist
Due to the level of COVID-19 infections in our area, we are not currently holding in-person services at Trinity Lime Rock.
Our 10:30 Holy Eucharist
We are making the 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist available here on our website as well as on our YouTube channel. At around 10:20 AM (and afterwards, of course) join us for worship right here:
The Sunday Bulletin is available for viewing online. Simply CLICK HERE to view it.
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
The links will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed. While you are there, please ‘SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel — that way you will be automatically reminded of online services and won’t have to wait for your weekly e-mail alert.
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Here’s information you’ll find helpful for worship on Sunday December 6, 2020 at Trinity Lime Rock! This is the Second Sunday of Advent. We are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.
Our guest today will be the Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas, Bishop Diocesan of Connecticut. Bishop Douglas will preach and will join us at Zoom coffee hour before meeting with Trinity’s Vestry.
Our 9 AM Holy Eucharist
Due to the level of COVID-19 infections in our area, we are not currently holding in-person services at Trinity Lime Rock.
Our 10:30 Holy Eucharist
We are making the 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist available here on our website as well as on our YouTube channel. At around 10:20 AM (and afterwards, of course) join us for worship right here:
The Sunday Bulletin is available for viewing online. Simply CLICK HERE to view it.
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
The links will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed.
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Here’s information you’ll find helpful for Holy Eucharist on Sunday November 2, 2020 at Trinity Lime Rock! This is the First Sunday of Advent, and we are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.
Our 9 AM Holy Eucharist
Due to the increase in COVID-19 in our area, we are not currently holding in-person services at Trinity Lime Rock.
Our 10:30 Holy Eucharist
We are making the 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist available here on our website as well as on our YouTube channel. At around 10:20 AM (and afterwards, of course) join us for worship right here:
The Sunday Bulletin is available for viewing online. Simply CLICK HERE to view it.
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
Pastor Heidi’s Sermon
Many people like to read the sermon after listening to it. To read Pastor Heidi’s sermon, simply CLICK HERE
The links will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see today’s service.
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Trinity continues to worship online. Because the Town of Salisbury is now, sadly, in the COVID “Red Zone” we have temporarily suspended our 9 AM in-person service, as well as our Misa en Espanol that was scheduled for this Sunday evening, November 29, until further notice.
Please consult our newsletter, the Trinity Update, for more information on those services. Please The Trinity Update is published weekly, on Wednesday afternoons, with a “Sunday Supplement” each Sunday morning during the COVID epidemic with information about the day’s services. You will find it useful, it is free, and you can unsubscribe anytime.
Our main Sunday service will continue to be online, on YouTube, beginning at 10:30 AM.
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