This Sunday, August 14, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock. It’s the 10th Sunday after Pentecost.
8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)
9 AM: Sunday School for young people in the Guild Room with Pastor Heidi
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir
The bulletin for this service is HERE
Pastor Heidi (the Rev. Heidi Truax) will be Preacher and Celebrant. Her sermon is HERE
This service will be livestreamed.
We encountered technical difficulties with the livestream, unfortunately, but our vendor was able to recover the entire service minus part of the choral prelude. You can access the service on our YouTube Channel HERE
Following the 10:30 AM service we will have coffee hour, both in person and on Zoom. We invite you to either!.
The online coffee hour is via Zoom. Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684
This Sunday, August 7, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock. It’s the 9th Sunday after Pentecost.
8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)
9 AM: Sunday School for young people in the Guild Room with Pastor Heidi
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir
The bulletin for this service is HERE
Pastor Heidi (the Rev. Heidi Truax) will be Preacher and Celebrant.
This service will be livestreamed.
Following the 10:30 AM service we will have coffee hour, both in person and on Zoom. We invite you to either!.
The online coffee hour is via Zoom. Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684
Here’s information you’ll find helpful for worship at Trinity Lime Rock on Sunday, August 29, 2021!
We are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.
There will be no 8 AM service today. The 8 AM Holy Eucharist will resume next Sunday, September 5.
Trinity’s principal Sunday service, Morning Prayer, will be at 10:30 AM outdoors, in the courtyard next to Walker Hall.
In addition, please practice social distancing.
Our service videos and livestreams are found on our YouTube channel at CLICK HERE
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
The links will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed. While you are there, please ‘SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel — that way you will be automatically reminded of online services and won’t have to wait for your weekly e-mail alert. And don’t hesitate to “Like” the video as well!!
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Both the 8 AM and the 10:30 AM services on Sunday, August 22 are CANCELLED
Please be safe as Hurricane Henri passes
We hope you will join us the following Sunday, August 29, when we expect to resume Sunday services as usual.
Fortunately our Music Director, Christine Gevert, was able to record some organ improvisations that would have been included in today’s service. It is available HERE:
To view the day’s bulletin, which includes the services that did not happen, but also a directory for the music, please CLICK HERE
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed. While you are there, please ‘SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel — that way you will be automatically reminded of online services and won’t have to wait for your weekly e-mail alert. And don’t hesitate to “Like” the video as well!!
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Here’s information you’ll find helpful for worship at Trinity Lime Rock on Sunday, August 15, 2021!
We are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.
There will be a service of Holy Eucharist today at 8 AM in the church.
Trinity’s principal Sunday service, Holy Eucharist with organ and choir, will be at 10:30 AM in person at the church.
We are happy to report that we are currently in the installation queue for the new equipment that will permit us to livestream our services. Until installation is completed, however, we will continue to bring you the video of our principal Sunday service here on the following Monday.
Here’s video of the 10:20 service on August 15:
Our service videos and livestreams are found on our YouTube channel at CLICK HERE
Coffee hour on Sunday, August 15, will be held outside in the courtyard if weather permits. If it held we will provide access via Zoom — please see our Sunday morning e-mail newsletter for the link.
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
The links will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed. While you are there, please ‘SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel — that way you will be automatically reminded of online services and won’t have to wait for your weekly e-mail alert. And don’t hesitate to “Like” the video as well!!
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Here’s information you’ll find helpful for worship at Trinity Lime Rock on Sunday, August 8, 2021!
We are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.
There will be NO 8 AM service at Trinity today.
Trinity’s principal Sunday service, Morning Prayer with organ and choir, will be at 10:30 AM in person at the church.
We are hoping that equipment delays are resolved soon so that our livestream vendor can complete installation at Trinity so that we can bring you a livestream instead of an after-the-fact video, but until that happens, a video of this service will be available here on Monday.
Our service videos and livestreams are found on our YouTube channel at CLICK HERE
Coffee hour on Sunday, August 8, will be held outside in the courtyard if weather permits. If it held we will provide access via Zoom — please see our Sunday morning e-mail newsletter for the link.
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
The links will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed. While you are there, please ‘SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel — that way you will be automatically reminded of online services and won’t have to wait for your weekly e-mail alert. And don’t hesitate to “Like” the video as well!!
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Here’s the Rota through September 5, 2021 at Trinity Lime Rock! (revised through July 30)
Trinity has returned to in-person worship both at the 8 AM and the 10:30 AM services, and the 9 AM service we added during COVID has been discontinued. We are committed to providing high quality online worship as well, and soon expect to have professional livestreaming in place. The transition between our recent form of online worship and livestreaming an in person 10:30 AM service is still a work in progress, and we ask your patience during the process.
Our main Sunday service is now in person as well as online on YouTube, beginning at 10:30 AM.
Here’s information you’ll find helpful for Holy Eucharists on Sunday August 30, 2020 at Trinity Lime Rock! We are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.
Our 9 AM Holy Eucharist
At the present time, our 9 AM service is our only in-person service. It is held outside (weather permitting) in our courtyard, and of course social distancing and masks are required. Readings are assigned as worshipers arrive.
Our 10:30 Holy Eucharist
We are making the 10:25 AM Holy Eucharist available here on our website. (Previously it was only available on our Facebook Page.) At around 10:25 AM (and afterwards, of course) join us for worship right here: (when the video begins, it will appear — just click it to join the service. Until then, you’ll just see the words “VIDEO COMING”. (You may need to refresh your screen for the link to appear)
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
Pastor Heidi’s Sermon
Many people like to read the sermon after listening to it. If this sounds like you, and you would like to read Pastor Heidi’s sermon, simply click HERE
If Facebook is better for you, you also can worship with us on our Facebook page. Look in the “Videos” section for the current week’s service.
If you would like to view the service, including all the music, afterward, the link will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply click HERE
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
Here’s information for Holy Eucharist Sunday August 23, 2020 at Trinity Lime Rock!
We think we’ve resolved the link issue of last week.
So, again, we are trying something that should make your online participation in Holy Eucharist at Trinity Lime Rock easier.
We are making the 10:25 AM Holy Eucharist available here on our website. Previously it was only available on our Facebook Page.
Our 10:30 Holy Eucharist
At around 10:25 AM (and afterwards, of course) worship with us right here: (when it’s ready to view, the video will appear — just click it to join the service. Until then, you’ll just see the words “VIDEO COMING”. You may need to refresh your screen for the link to appear)
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
If you prefer, you can worship with us on our Facebook page. Look in the “Videos” section for the current week’s service.
If you would like to view the service, including all the music, afterward, the link will remain live indefinitely.
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply click HERE
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.
If you would like to view the service, including all the music, afterward, the link will remain live indefinitely. Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply click HERE
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!
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