Sunday, December 29, at Trinity Lime Rock

All Are Welcome At Trinity Lime Rock!

The First Sunday after Christmas Day

(no 8 AM Holy Eucharist or Sunday School today)

10:30 AM:  Service of Lessons and Carols, led by David Booth Beers.  Juan Mesa (Boston) will be the organist.  You can download the bulletin for this service HERE

You can view this service on your personal computer, tablet, smart TV, or cellphone. Just click this link:

Or, click the “View Trinity’s livestream” button.


11:30 AM (time approximate):  Coffee hour in Walker Hall and online via Zoom. 

Here’s the Zoom sign-on for coffee hour:
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684

Would you like to receive our weekly e-mail newsletter — the Trinity Update — about all things Trinity Lime Rock?  You can unsubscribe at any time.  If you’d like to receive it, just CLICK HERE and fill out the simple form.  Please make sure to watch your e-mail for your confirmation and respond to it.

Missed the service?  Did you know that you can still view the livestream up to a week later?  Simply click the “View Trinity’s Livestream” button and select the missed service from the menu of services available.












Sunday, December 31 at Trinity Lime Rock

This Sunday, December 31, 2023 at Trinity Lime Rock

all are welcome at trinity lime rock!

new year’s eve Eve — December 31

8 AM: Morning Prayer (no music at this service)

9 AM:  No Sunday School today

10:30 AM:  Lessons and Carols, led by Tom Schindler.  NEW THIS YEAR:  you get to nominate the carols that we’ll sing.  Download the list of carols HERE 

If you join us via the internet, you can also request a carol from this list — just select the carol you prefer from the list, and e-mail it to

(Carols requested online must be received by 6 PM Saturday to be considered).

Due to copyright limitations, carols that do not appear on this list cannot be considered.

You can also download the bulletin for this service HERE

You can view the service on your personal computer, tablet, smart TV, or cellphone. Just click this link:

Or, click the “View Trinity’s livestream” button.

11:30 AM:  Online and in-person coffee hour via Zoom.
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684

Would you like to receive our weekly e-mail newsletter about all things Trinity Lime Rock?  You can unsubscribe at any time.  If you’d like to receive it, just CLICK HERE and fill out the simple form.










Sunday, January 1, at Trinity Lime Rock

This Sunday, January 1, 2023, at Trinity Lime Rock, is New Year’s Day.

8 AM: NO SERVICE TODAY Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)

9 AM: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY Sunday School for young people with Pastor Heidi

10:30 AM: Lessons & Carols.
The bulletin for this service is HERE.

John Oler, a parishioner, will be the Lay Leader of this service while our Rector, the Rev. Heidi Truax, has a few days with her family.

This service will be livestreamed.

Following the 10:30 AM service we will have coffee hour in person in Walker Hall, and a short coffee hour online via Zoom as well. The Zoom session begins at approximately 11:30 AM.
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684


Worship at Trinity Sunday January 3, 2021

Worship at Trinity Sunday January 3, 2021

Here’s information you’ll find helpful for worship on Sunday january 3, 2021 at Trinity Lime Rock! This is the Second Sunday after Christmas Day. We are happy to welcome you, and we hope you’ll return again and again.

Our 9 AM Holy Eucharist

Due to the level of COVID-19 infections in our area, we are not currently holding in-person services at Trinity Lime Rock.

10:30 Lessons and Carols

We are making the 10:30 AM Lessons and Carols service available here on our website as well as on our YouTube channel. At around 10:20 AM (and afterwards, of course) join us for worship right here:

Parishioner Danielle Gaherty will be the Lay Leader for this service. Music and videography is managed by Christine Gevert

The Sunday Bulletin is available for viewing online. Simply CLICK HERE

If you are moved to donate, our Donations and Stewardship page offers a variety of ways you can do so, including PayPal. Simply click HERE to go to that page.

The links will remain live indefinitely.

Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are also available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed. While you are there, please ‘SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel — that way you will be automatically reminded of online services and won’t have to wait for your weekly e-mail alert.

Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!

Christmas at Trinity Lime Rock
