Photos from June 29 and 30

Here are some photos from June 29 and 30 at Trinity Lime Rock! The usual photographer was missing in action, so these are graciously contributed by the Rev. Heidi Truax and by Allen Berrien.

Major events of the weekend included a baptism at the Latino Mass Saturday evening and an unscheduled power outage that required some improvisation on Sunday morning.

Also, here’s a late addition. You may know that Trinity has been developing a group of parishioners who have been training as lay preachers. These folks preach when we have Morning Prayer and at other times during the year. One such time was last Sunday, and Roy Bickley preached. Here is his sermon:


Trinity Sunday 2019

Here are some photos — and the homily — from Trinity Sunday 2019. Trinity Lime Rock celebrates Trinity Sunday as our official birthday as a parish. This was a busy birthday!

Just a few notes on the photos. Thanks to Linda Lloyd for the photo of Jane Tuttle. Jane was celebrating her 90+ birthday by riding in a Maserati. She’s our resident parishioner in North Carolina. As well, thanks to Allen Berrien for the photo of Fred Shay of Stained Glass Resources. His firm that is repairing out altar window. Following that, The Berkshire Children’s Chorus is pictured in their Spring Concert at Hevreh of Southern Berkshire, in Great Barrington. (Can you spot the three Trinity young people?)

We’re trying something new this week: including the homily with the photos, all on one post! Without further ado, here is Pastor Heidi’s brief homily (brief to allow time for Fred to talk to us and still get everyone to the picnic!


Photos from March 10

Here are some photos from March 10 for your pleasure!

The week included Ash Wednesday (sorry, no photos from those services — but the note that the attendance at the 6 PM bilingual service was the highest in memory for an Ash Wednesday service at Trinity). Also, we held a Men’s (and Women’s) Group Dinner at a new restaurant in Great Barrington — Fiddleheads — that was popular with attendees.

Sunday was accompanied by one of those nasty snow mixed with freezing rain events that caused some area churches to cancel services, but not Trinity Lime Rock.

Part of our Lenten observance this year includes “Lent Madness” — a chance to learn a lot about a whole lot of saints, both well-known and unknown.

So, here are the photos for March 10 at Trinity Lime Rock!


Photos from March 3

Here are some photos from March 3, 2019 at Trinity Lime Rock. It was the Last Sunday of Epiphany, and thus, the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins. At Trinity, we celebrate this Sunday as Chocolate Sunday — and the proceeds will go to purchase a new Fair Linen for the altar.

Enjoy the pictures!

You are always welcome at Trinity Lime Rock!
