Sunday, February 19 at Trinity Lime Rock

This Sunday, February 19, 2023, at Trinity Lime Rock, is the  Last Sunday after the Epiphany, and Transfiguration Sunday.

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for young people, conducted by the Rector

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir; the Rev. Felix Rivera will preach 

The bulletin for this service is  HERE

This service will be livestreamed.

11:30 AM:  Coffee hour (Chocolate Sunday) in Walker hall and on Zoom at:
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684

12 Noon:  Vestry meeting

4 PM:  Misa en Español



Photos from March 3

Here are some photos from March 3, 2019 at Trinity Lime Rock. It was the Last Sunday of Epiphany, and thus, the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins. At Trinity, we celebrate this Sunday as Chocolate Sunday — and the proceeds will go to purchase a new Fair Linen for the altar.

Enjoy the pictures!

You are always welcome at Trinity Lime Rock!
