We’ve been posting photos, Sunday by Sunday, here on our website recently. Going forward, it looks like the sensible thing to do would be to revert to our previous practice of posting them to the Facebook Page
for a variety of reasons, including ease, flexibility, interactivity, and not the least, saving space here on our website!
We would also like to consider posting them to our Facebook Group,
What’s the difference, you might ask.
Simply, it’s this: pages are public while groups don’t have to be. While the Trinity Lime Rock group is currently a so-called “open group” (anyone can join) we also have the capability of restricting viewership at some point in the future if it seems appropriate. In this day and age, perhaps it’s a worthwhile option to have.
Anyway, the photos from August 11 will very shortly be on the Facebook page, and we will experiment in putting a few of them on the Facbook group as well. Check both places out! And “Like” the page, and “Join” the group while you’re at it!
Already complete is a major cleanup of the website, where material more than a few months old was removed from the “posts” section, and we bet that you didn’t even notice!
There were two major events on August 11 at Trinity that we should draw your attention to. First, the blessing of the backpacks collected by the congregation for the children at North Canaan Elementary School. Second, a super choir that provided us with “Universsi qui te exspectant” (MH 442) by Johann Michael Hayden (1737-1806) for an Offertory anthem, and “Audivi vocem de caelo”, by Thomas Tallis (c. 1505-1585) for a Communion anthem.
The young people were presented with a choice between soccer and badminton today, and badminton won!
As noted, find photos on our page!