Here are a few photos from Sunday, July 14, at Trinity Lime Rock.
We held Morning Prayer on Sunday since Pastor Heidi was at Diocesan Camp Washington serving as Chaplain to the wilderness campers. No priest? Normally we would call on supply clergy for the day.
However, we have a resource at Trinity that we were able to use instead. The Northwest Cluster of our Diocese held a training program for lay preachers this past year, and several from Trinity participated. Morning Prayer provides a wonderful for these trained homilists to “do their thing.” This week, our own Alexis Dorf was the Lay Officiant, and Danielle Gaherty was our Homilist.
It all worked perfectly!
What happened to Summer Sports? Well, fair question! We started with bocce, but the interest level just wasn’t there. So, the young people came into church for the last part of Morning Prayer, and then, during coffee hour, decided to try out their artistic skills in the courtyard!