Both the 8 AM and the 10:30 AM services on Sunday, August 22 are CANCELLED
Please be safe as Hurricane Henri passes
We hope you will join us the following Sunday, August 29, when we expect to resume Sunday services as usual.
Fortunately our Music Director, Christine Gevert, was able to record some organ improvisations that would have been included in today’s service. It is available HERE:
To view the day’s bulletin, which includes the services that did not happen, but also a directory for the music, please CLICK HERE
Past online Trinity Lime Rock services are available in our YouTube channel. Simply CLICK HERE You may need to select “VIDEOS” at the top of the page to see some past services that were livestreamed. While you are there, please ‘SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel — that way you will be automatically reminded of online services and won’t have to wait for your weekly e-mail alert. And don’t hesitate to “Like” the video as well!!
Thank you for worshiping with us at Trinity Lime Rock!!

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