Pastor Heidi’s Sermon for July 26

July 26, 2020

We are happy to bring you Pastor Heidi’s sermon for Sunday, July 26, 2020, the the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost. Please click below to read it:

Pastor Heidi’s Sermon for July 26

The service begins at 10:25 AM, when the link (below) to the video will go live. Only after that time does it become a valid url.

At 10:25 AM, with a couple of seconds of silence, the prelude begins. The prelude this week is:

“Junior fui” à 6 by Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) 1566 in Sacrae cantiones liber quartus, no. 5
Thank you as always to the Crescendo musicians who participated by remotely recording!

Here is the video

If you would like to view the service, including all the music, afterward, the link will remain live indefinitely.


Pastor Heidi’s Sermon for July 19

July 19, 2020

We are happy to bring you Pastor Heidi’s sermon for Sunday, July 19, 2020, the the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost. Please click below to read it:

Pastor Heidi’s Sermon for July 19, 2020 Sunday after Pentecost.

The service begins at 10:25 AM, when the link (below) to the video will go live. Only after that time does it become a valid url.

At 10:25 AM, with a couple of seconds of silence, the prelude begins. The prelude this week is:

“My trust O Lord in thee is grounded” à 5 by Christopher Tye (c.1505-1572), performed by the vocal ensemble

Thank you as always to the musicians who participated by remotely recording!

Here is the link to the video

If you would like to view the service, including all the music, afterward, the link will remain live indefinitely.


Pastor Heidi’s Sermon for July 12

July 12, 2020

We are happy to bring you Pastor Heidi’s sermon for Sunday, July 12, 2020, the the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. Please click below to read it:

Pastor Heidi’s Sermon For July 12

The service begins at 10:25 AM, when the link (below) to the video will go live. Only after that time does it become a valid url.

At 10:25 AM, with a couple of seconds of silence, the prelude begins. The prelude this week is:

“In te, Domine, speravi” à 12 (three choirs) by Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612)
Symphoniae sacrae, Nuremberg, 1598, recorded remotely and digitally assembled by singers of Crescendo ‘Virtual’ Vocal Ensemble, accompanied by Christine Gevert at the organ.

Thank you as always to the musicians who participated by remotely recording!

Here is the link to the video

If you would like to view the service, including all the music, afterward, the link will remain live indefinitely.


Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020 at Trinity Lime Rock

Palm Sunday 2020 at Trinity was, well — different!!   A wonderful virtual service, and one well worth viewing again, it incorporated the efforts of Pastor Heidi, Christine, Gordon, Linda, and a dozen readers of the Passion Gospel, who contributed their part via Zoom.

To view the service as the world saw it via the internet, simply click HERE

Palm Sunday 2020

Pastor Heidi blessing the palms at Trinity on Palm Sunday 2020


You can also read Pastor Heidi’s sermon:  just click 04-05-2020-Palm Sunday 2020

While our Holy Week will include the Way of the Cross at noon on Friday, via Facebook Live and our Facebook Page, the highlight, of course, will be EASTER!  View our Easter service, again via our Facebook Page, at 10:30 AM on Sunday, April 12.







Sermon from March 22, 2020

We are very happy to not only be able to bring you live-streamed Holy Eucharist on Sunday from Trinity, and Christine Gevert’s organ meditations each evening  during this pandemic, but also provide such things as the text of Pastor Heidi’s sermon only minutes after she preaches it!

Here’s Pastor Heidi’s sermon from this morning:  lent4a-our new reality


Pastor Heidi - Lent 2019

A year ago, Pastor Heidi was preaching to us live from Trinity’s pulpit. Today, however,…..


Two Sermons!

Usually we don’t post more than one sermon per week, but this week we are catching up so today we have two!

Here’s the first, from September 29, 2019, the Sunday of Crop Walk

And here’s the second one! This was a short homily from the Sunday when we celebrated the feast of St. Francis with a blessing of the animals.

Two sermons!
The Feast of St. Francis

Photos from July 14 at Trinity Lime Rock

Here are a few photos from Sunday, July 14, at Trinity Lime Rock.

We held Morning Prayer on Sunday since Pastor Heidi was at Diocesan Camp Washington serving as Chaplain to the wilderness campers. No priest? Normally we would call on supply clergy for the day.

However, we have a resource at Trinity that we were able to use instead. The Northwest Cluster of our Diocese held a training program for lay preachers this past year, and several from Trinity participated. Morning Prayer provides a wonderful for these trained homilists to “do their thing.” This week, our own Alexis Dorf was the Lay Officiant, and Danielle Gaherty was our Homilist.

It all worked perfectly!

What happened to Summer Sports? Well, fair question! We started with bocce, but the interest level just wasn’t there. So, the young people came into church for the last part of Morning Prayer, and then, during coffee hour, decided to try out their artistic skills in the courtyard!


Trinity Sunday 2019

Here are some photos — and the homily — from Trinity Sunday 2019. Trinity Lime Rock celebrates Trinity Sunday as our official birthday as a parish. This was a busy birthday!

Just a few notes on the photos. Thanks to Linda Lloyd for the photo of Jane Tuttle. Jane was celebrating her 90+ birthday by riding in a Maserati. She’s our resident parishioner in North Carolina. As well, thanks to Allen Berrien for the photo of Fred Shay of Stained Glass Resources. His firm that is repairing out altar window. Following that, The Berkshire Children’s Chorus is pictured in their Spring Concert at Hevreh of Southern Berkshire, in Great Barrington. (Can you spot the three Trinity young people?)

We’re trying something new this week: including the homily with the photos, all on one post! Without further ado, here is Pastor Heidi’s brief homily (brief to allow time for Fred to talk to us and still get everyone to the picnic!
