Easter at Trinity Lime Rock

The Triduum Sacrum and Easter 2023, at Trinity Lime Rock begins on Good Friday.

Friday, April 7:

Noon — Way of the Cross (not livestreamed)

7 PM — Ecumenical Good Friday service at Trinity.  This service is now available on our YouTube channel, @trinitylimerock.  Please click HERE to view it on YouTube.   You can still download the bulletin for this service if you click  HERE.

Saturday, April 8:

7 PM — Easter Vigil with New Fire and Exsultet.  We regret that we cannot bring you this service via livestream.  Unfortunately we were unable to secure livestreaming permission for some of the music being performed tonight.  Nonetheless, you can download the revised bulletin for this service HERE.

Sunday, April 9 — EASTER:

8 AM — Holy Eucharist with music

10:30 AM — Festival Celebration of Easter.  This service was livestreamed and is now available on our YouTube channel.  Simply click HERE.  

The bulletin for this service in now available for download HERE.

11:30 AM (time approximate):  Coffee hour in Walker hall and on Zoom at:  
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684

4 PM — Misa de Pascua.  Following the Misa there will be another Easter Egg hunt!







Sunday, January 29 at Trinity Lime Rock

This Sunday, January 29, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock, is the  Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany..

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for young people, conducted by the Rector

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir 

The bulletin for this service is HERE

This service will be livestreamed.

11:30 AM:  Coffee hour in Walker hall and on Zoom at:  
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684

4 PM:  Misa en Español, led by the Rev. Felix Rivera, Deacon, Missioner to our Hispanic congregation



Sunday, October 2 at Trinity

This Sunday, October 2, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock. It’s the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, and also the day we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis, with animal blessings at all services.

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for young people in the Guild Room with Pastor Heidi

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir
The bulletin for this service is HERE.

Pastor Heidi (the Rev. Heidi Truax) will be Preacher and Celebrant.

4:00 PM: Misa

Padre Juan (the Rev. John Carter) will be Preacher and Celebrant for the Misa.

The 10:30 AM service will be livestreamed.

Following the 10:30 AM service we will have coffee hour in person and via Zoom./strong>.
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684


Ash Wednesday 2022 at Trinity

Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock:

Two services, both with optional imposition of ashes, will be offered.

At 12:30 PM in the church

At 7 PM in the church. There will be choral music at this service appropriate both to the season and the ongoing tragedy in Ukraine. Please remember that masks and distancing are required. This service will be livestreamed.

–View the livestream HERE

–You can see the Bulletin if you wish. Please CLICK HERE


Sunday, February 27 at Trinity

This Sunday, February 27, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock:

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (a small service in the church; there’s no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for Young People (in the Guild Room, with Pastor Heidi.) Please let Pastor Heidi know if your young people will attend so she has supplies ready for them.

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist (in the church; distancing and masking are required) This service is livestreamed.
–View the livestream HERE
–You can see the Bulletin if you CLICK HERE
–Here are the numbers (in order) of the hymns if you’d like to sing them at home: 129, 133, 643, 365

11:30 AM: Zoom coffee hour (In-person coffee hours remain suspended due to COVID)

4 PM: Misa en Espanol (In the church: Padre Juan Carter)

–Find the Zoom links here: Zoom links


Rota for December 2020

Trinity continues to worship online. Because the Town of Salisbury is now, sadly, in the COVID “Red Zone” we have temporarily suspended our 9 AM in-person service, as well as our Misa en Espanol that was scheduled for this Sunday evening, November 29, until further notice.

Please consult our newsletter, the Trinity Update, for more information on those services. Please https://www.trinitylimerock.org/contact-us/trinity-update-signup/ The Trinity Update is published weekly, on Wednesday afternoons, with a “Sunday Supplement” each Sunday morning during the COVID epidemic with information about the day’s services. You will find it useful, it is free, and you can unsubscribe anytime.

Our main Sunday service will continue to be online, on YouTube, beginning at 10:30 AM.

The REVISED December 2020 Rota REVISED is now available.

Thanks to all who serve!


The Misa and Vecinos Seguros

The Misa and Vecinos Seguros

The mission and ministry with our Hispanic brothers and sisters have changed radically due to the pandemic shutdown. For example, I have been sending out prayers to the Misa group through WhatsApp. Last Saturday marked the occasion of the first virtual MISA videotaped in the church. I recently had my first pastoral visitation through Zoom.”

            “New occasions teach new duties.”

As with many other things in our lives now, I am finding new ways to make connections and sustain community.  Easter signifies that crises and death are often pathways to new  pportunities and new life.

Naturally, the face of Vecinos Seguros has also changed.

The primary mission of VS now is to provide food for those who have no food security and no safety net at all.  Funds have been raised to purchase gift cards at Freshtown market in Amenia.  Some Trinity Lime Rock parishioners have privately donated money to support this mission. They are joined by others outside of the parish.  This weekly outreach has helped put food on the table for 60 people,  including 35 children.

Spiritual nurture and material support are the objectives of the Hispanic mission right now. Without Trinity Lime Rock  and its leadership, these efforts would be seriously impaired.

On behalf of myself and those who are served,  Thank you!

If you would like to donate to the emergency food ministry of Vecinos Seguros, please write a check to Trinity Lime Rock Church with a memo for the VS emergency fund. Or you may give online through the church’s website.

In peace, John+




Easter 2020

The Easter service this year was unlike any before in the history of Trinity — but the last time we dealt with a pandemic was 100 years ago, with the Great Influenza of 1918 – 1920, and we did not have the internet to offer a different way to “do church” — nor the medical and epidemiological knowledge to know how to handle epidemics.

This year there was no Easter Vigil, and no 8 AM Holy Eucharist.  The 10:30 AM Eucharist, however, reflected the four weeks experience we have now had in virtual services, and, if you missed in, it is well worth watching.  You can do it here:

If you would like to direct someone else to the service, HERE is the link to use.

If you would like to read Pastor Heidi’s sermon, please click 04-12-2020 Easter day 2020.

If you would like to read Padre Juan’s reflections for our Hispanic congregation, please click 04-12-2020 Santo Sábado 2020

One final note:  many people like to drop something extra in the offering plate on Easter.  If this sounds like you, Please click HERE to go to the page where we help you do that, even in these virtual times.

During the week, be aware of our offerings including Bible study and Book Group, and we are very fortunate that Christine Gevert is providing us with a 15 – 20 minute organ meditation/improvisation based on a hymn every evening at 7 PM.  You can find them on our Facebook Page.

We wish you a joyous Easter Season!!


July 21 Photos at Trinity Lime Rock

We’re calling these July 21 photos at Trinity Lime Rock although two of them were not taken at Trinity at all and were taken earlier that week!

Pastor Heidi was just back from a week as Chaplain to the wilderness camping group at the Diocesan Camp Washington, so we’re providing a bit of flavor of what that experience was like.

Sunday was also the Youth Sunday for July as well as being the hottest Sunday so far this summer. Hence the casual attire on most participants shown.

One moment that touched all of us. A lady who was not a parishioner, but who brought her much loved dog to us to be blessed when we had our annual Blessing of the Animals, sadly lost him this week. She brought us the blue and white pitcher of flowers from her garden to remember him — and we do!


Photos from June 29 and 30

Here are some photos from June 29 and 30 at Trinity Lime Rock! The usual photographer was missing in action, so these are graciously contributed by the Rev. Heidi Truax and by Allen Berrien.

Major events of the weekend included a baptism at the Latino Mass Saturday evening and an unscheduled power outage that required some improvisation on Sunday morning.

Also, here’s a late addition. You may know that Trinity has been developing a group of parishioners who have been training as lay preachers. These folks preach when we have Morning Prayer and at other times during the year. One such time was last Sunday, and Roy Bickley preached. Here is his sermon:
