Sunday, February 19 at Trinity Lime Rock

This Sunday, February 19, 2023, at Trinity Lime Rock, is the  Last Sunday after the Epiphany, and Transfiguration Sunday.

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for young people, conducted by the Rector

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir; the Rev. Felix Rivera will preach 

The bulletin for this service is  HERE

This service will be livestreamed.

11:30 AM:  Coffee hour (Chocolate Sunday) in Walker hall and on Zoom at:
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684

12 Noon:  Vestry meeting

4 PM:  Misa en Español



Sunday, February 12 at Trinity Lime Rock

This Sunday, February 12, 2023, at Trinity Lime Rock, is the  Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany..

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for young people, conducted by the Rector

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir 

The bulletin for this service is  HERE

This service will be livestreamed.

11:30 AM:  Coffee hour in Walker hall and on Zoom at:
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684



Sunday, February 5 at Trinity Lime Rock

This Sunday, February 5, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock, is the  Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany..

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for young people, conducted by the Rector

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir 

The bulletin for this service is HERE

This service will be livestreamed.

11:30 AM:  Coffee hour in Walker hall and on Zoom at:
Sign into Meeting ID: 874 0631 7445; password: 018684



Sunday, February 27 at Trinity

This Sunday, February 27, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock:

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (a small service in the church; there’s no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for Young People (in the Guild Room, with Pastor Heidi.) Please let Pastor Heidi know if your young people will attend so she has supplies ready for them.

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist (in the church; distancing and masking are required) This service is livestreamed.
–View the livestream HERE
–You can see the Bulletin if you CLICK HERE
–Here are the numbers (in order) of the hymns if you’d like to sing them at home: 129, 133, 643, 365

11:30 AM: Zoom coffee hour (In-person coffee hours remain suspended due to COVID)

4 PM: Misa en Espanol (In the church: Padre Juan Carter)

–Find the Zoom links here: Zoom links


Rector’s Letter for February

Normally we bring you our Rector’s monthly letter to the parish in our weekly Trinity Update newsletter. However, since our e-mail vendor has experienced a serious outage we are posting it here for your convenience.

Rector’s Letter for February

Rector’s Letter for February 2022
Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us. Romans 5:1, 5

This week I’ve worked steadily on an annual diocesan task, the Parochial Report. Before the pandemic this was just a matter of loading in the numbers for the previous year; the number of parishioners and services, the numbers of our income and expenses, and listing the ministries which we have in our parish. But for the last two years the Parochial Report has also included narrative questions that must be answered with essays. The process has been made more challenging by making us have to think! God forbid! Here was the main question:
Looking toward the future, what changes do you hope to see in your faith community? What does your community need in order to bring about these changes?
What a pain in the neck. Now I have to figure out if we have any hope and what that hope is…and if we have hope, how we are going to accomplish the things we hope for. But isn’t this exactly what we should be doing as a parish? We’re not meant to only be concerned about the Covid numbers yesterday and today and hope they’re better tomorrow. We need to have a hope that is grounded in faith in Christ and faith in each other.
Well, below is my response to the question. I hope that this might spark something in you about our parish hopefulness. Please get involved! Write or call me if you have ideas, or just to talk so that we can hope together!
Looking back on the year just passed, 2021, we began the year continuing with our well-produced video services thanks to the expertise and imagination of Christine Gevert, our Music Director. Realizing that we were reaching current and former parishioners as well as newly interested parishioners, we hoped we could find a more sustainable method for bringing worship to people remotely. Mid-year (2021) we engaged a firm to do livestream production and posting for us. Our hope that this is a long-term solution that that will be viable for many years to come. We had been forced by the pandemic into the challenge of providing remote worship, but now we are glad about it!
We also hope that we can also resume a new normal of worship where social distancing and masking aren’t so much in the forefront of our concerns. We want to return to our customary community gatherings. We’ve had BBQs outside in the summer, and coffee hours after church when the disease took a bit of a hiatus in 2021. But we really hope to be able to share a meal together inside!
We look forward with hope to re-starting our popular choral concerts by Crescendo led by our Music Director. And we also hope to restart our successful community art shows led by Mary Anne Carley. God willing, we will do so in 2022.
We hope to forge new bonds of friendship with our Hispanic congregation in whatever way gives all of us together a sense of belonging and inclusiveness. Along with our Hispanic missioner, the Rev. John Carter, we want to not just do things for the Hispanic community but with them. As the pandemic becomes endemic, we hope for a closer relationship between our two congregations.
Mostly, we hope that Trinity Lime Rock will continue to be open to the Holy Spirit to guide us in finding new opportunities to serve God and the community in the future.
What will we need to bring about these things we hope for? We’ll need open hearts and willing spirits to perceive how we are called to be God’s people and do God’s work. We also need a little patience to not try to rush headlong into the next thing that suddenly appears on the horizon.
We look with hope towards what lies ahead. And we ask for God to give us strength and guidance.


Sunday, February 20 at Trinity

This Sunday, February 20, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock:

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (a small service in the church; there’s no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for Young People (in the Guild Room, with Pastor Heidi.) Please let Pastor Heidi know if your young people will attend so she has supplies ready for them.

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist (in the church; distancing and masking are required) This service is livestreamed.
–View the livestream HERE
–You can see the Bulletin if you CLICK HERE
–Here are the numbers (in order) of the hymns if you’d like to sing them at home: 126, 576, 136, 455
–The short liturgy for Commissioning the new Officers and Vestry is included in this service. Here it is

11:30 AM: Zoom coffee hour (In-person coffee hours remain suspended due to COVID)

Noon: Vestry meeting (Hybrid — in person in Guild Room and via Zoom)

–Find the Zoom link here: Zoom links


Sunday, February 13 at Trinity

This Sunday, February 13, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock:

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (a small service in the church; there’s no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for Young People (in the Guild Room, with Pastor Heidi.) Please let Pastor Heidi know if your young people will attend so she has supplies ready for them.

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist (in the church; we’re resuming congregational singing this week, and a reminder that we resumed Communion in both parts last Sunday) This service is livestreamed.
–View the livestream HERE
–You can see the Bulletin if you CLICK HERE
–Here are the numbers (in order) of the hymns if you’d like to sing them at home: 586, 560, 424, 334, 657

11:30 AM: Zoom coffee hour (In-person coffee hours remain suspended due to COVID)
–Find the Zoom link here: Zoom links

Find Pastor Heidi’s sermon HERE


Sunday, February 6 at Trinity

This Sunday, February 6, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock:

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (a small service in the church; there’s no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for Young People (in the Guild Room, with Pastor Heidi.) Please let Pastor Heidi know if your young people will attend so she has supplies ready for them.

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist (in the church; organ music only, no singing due to COVID) This service is livestreamed.
–View the livestream HERE
–You can see the Bulletin if you CLICK HERE
–Here are the numbers (in order) of the hymns if you’d like to sing them at home: 389, 661, 466, 758 (WLP), 556 “WLP” means that this hymn is found in the supplementary hymnal called “Wonder, Love, and Praise” (see note below)

11:30 AM: Zoom coffee hour (In-person coffee hours are suspended due to COVID)
–Find the Zoom link here: Zoom links

4 PM: Misa (postponed from last week) (A Holy Eucharist in Spanish, led by Padre Juan).

NOTE: People ask where they can get their own copy of “Wonder, Love, and Praise”. It’s available from Church Publishing, from various used booksellers, and, for around $17.00, from Amazon.


Sunday, January 30 at Trinity

This Sunday, January 30, 2022, at Trinity Lime Rock:

8 AM: Holy Eucharist (a small service in the church; there’s no music at this service)

9 AM: Sunday School for Young People (in the Guild Room, with Pastor Heidi.) Please let Pastor Heidi know if your young people will attend so she has supplies ready for them.

10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist (in the church; organ music only, no singing due to COVID) This service is livestreamed.
–View the livestream HERE
–You can see the Bulletin if you CLICK HERE
–Here are the numbers (in order) of the hymns if you’d like to sing them at home: 518, 444, 397, 134, 429

11:30 AM: Zoom coffee hour (In-person coffee hours are suspended due to COVID)
–Find the Zoom link here: Zoom links

4 PM: NOTE the scheduled Misa has been postponed due to illness in Padre Juan’s family. It will be rescheduled in February.

Missed church? Watch the service on YouTube HERE
